Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocab Fall List #2

1. Approbation: praise, expression of approval

  • After watching the play, it left the audience with high approbation.
2. Assuage: make easier, or milder, relieve 
  • Talking to the teacher after class assuaged her fears of failing the course.
3.Coalition: alliance, federation of political parties
  • Only people included in the coalition of the political parties were allowed to join the disscussion.
4. Decadence: moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence.
  • The decadence of Goodman Browns faith was set off by his vision of seeing his wife and other godly people join the devil ceremony.
5. Elicit: evoke, to draw forth
  • The detective tried many methods to get the suspect to elicit his crimes.
6. Expostulate: protest, complain
  • The siblings always found something to expostulate about, and would argue for hours.
7. Hackneyed: used so often that it lacks originality
  • After seeing everybody start buying the same shoes, their style became very hackneyed.
8. Hiatus: pause, gap, opening, break
  • The hiatus in the play gave the actor time to refresh and get back into character.
9. Innuendo: a hint, indirect suggestion
  • The students didn't like the innuendo that their test was going to be very difficult.
10. Intercede: to plead on behalf of someone else, intervene 
  • The teacher interceded the argument when he noticed it was getting out of hand between the students.
11. Jaded: cloyed, worn out, dulled
  • Once the game was over all the players seemed jaded, until they realized they had another game coming up. 
12. Lurid: causing shock, hoor, sensational
  • Scene after scene, the audience was one the edge of their seats as they watch the lurid movie.
13. Meritorious: worthy, deserving praise
  • Superman was a very meritorious, brave, and kind hearted man who won the hearts of many children.
14. Petulant: easily irritated, peevish
  • Coming home from work, my dad was very petulant to anything loud and bright.
15.  Prerogative: special right, priviledge
  • The celebrity has the prerogative to fly in first class, with many other luxuries.
16. Provincial: pertaining to an outlying are, local
  • The provincial map showed all the local shopping centers,and restaruants. 
17. Simulate: imitate
  • The twins simulated each others movements to confuse their parents.
18. Transcend: to praise above and beyond, exceed 
  • The student transcended in the project by presenting her poem in a song.
19. Umbrage: shade cast by trees, irritation, annoyance 
  • The umbrage the dog caused by barking all night kept the whole neighborhood awake.
20. Unctuous:  trying to hard to give off an impression
  • The waiter was very unctuous in trying to befriend their customers. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Young Goodman Brown

1. I think Hawthorne's purpose for writing this story was to show how much temptation, curiosity, and fear of the unknown can change someones life forever, and cause people to act without thinking of what can happen next.
2.  Not knowing if Goodman's experience was a dream or not, after reading the story, Faith's names still suites her, and I think it fits her personality because spending time with her husband was the only things she wanted, and she always tried to show affection toward him. Throughout the story Goodman was very faithful and loyal to Faith, always having her first in mind, not wanting to leave her, and always believing in their trust and innocence. However, in the end all that faith vanished after Goodman's vision, and even though he wasn't sure if his vision was true or not, that faith or trust was never able to be rejoined.
3. I believe the pink ribbons symbolize Faiths and even Goodman's innocence and purity, because ribbons appear young, cheerful, and graceful, which is what Hawthorne is trying to shape her character as.
4. By the end of the story it was hard to determine whether what Goodman witnessed was real or a figment of his imagination, yet overall I believe it was all a dream. I think this whole scenario was a way to show "Goodmans" dark side, making it seem like he was a godly man, with an innocent background, and never thought of anything concerning the devil, yet it was lurking in his thoughts.
5. I think Hawthorne used foreshadowing in the beginning, when Goodman felt the devil was hiding in the forest lurking up on him, and then with the staff resembling a serpent.
6. I think the staff represents the Devil, and the temptation the devil brings to Goodman telling him that it will help him travel faster and easy, acting as a key to join the devil.
7. I think if Goodman hadn't ventured into the forest his life definitely would have turned out different, because he would still have faith and trust in his community and his wife, yet I think he still would of had that curiosity, and of "what if", and it might have drove him crazy.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

socratic seminar notes

  • in arguments people forget about the topic they're arguing about, and then it becomes more of a pride game to see who gets the last word or who's right, instead of staying on topic
  • you need to back up you opinions with proof
  • try to stay respectful in an argument, and not try to make the other person look bad, because in reality you end up looking like the bad guy instead of the winner
I didn't get to say this in the socratic seminar but I thought it was a good point...
  • I believe that even if your opinion is wrong, and you can accept the fact that you were wrong or had a change of mind, and still had the courtesy to show respect toward the other person then in my eyes I still see you as a winner. Even though you lost at this argument you should still see it as a win because you had enough respect for the other person and yourself to accept the reality of which opinion was better. Not to mention that you also got to learn or think of something in a whole new perspective. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

reflections on week 1

Overall this first week of class seemed pretty steady and understanding, and definitely filled with a lot of ideas for the future of this course. Im very interested and excited about the project infinity website, because it gives us a chance to do and learn great things that don't have to do with school or grades. I look forward to see what the class can come up with, and the competition it will bring for points. Besides how unique this website is, what makes it so attracting is the way it's going to bring all the classes together outside of school, and puts us to the test of how creative and exclusive we can all be.
Aside from Project Infinity, a time where I had the best learning experience, where everything just seemed to click, was watching a video called The Secret. In this video, there were a series of different motivational speakers who explained the secret to living a long, enjoyable, and healthy lifestyle by living by The Secret. The secret was that you have to think positive, believe, and ask for what you want, and to not pass by any opportunities. By living by the Secret you will get better results in your life and nature will all fall into place to give you what you need. It showed people who have applied the Secret to their life and it showed how they immediately got amazing result just by looking at life a little different. I realized that all it takes is to basically be happy to wake up every morning, and give off that good energy to the people around, and you will automatically attract good vibes from everyone else. From the looks of it, it seems like this class is definitely giving off those good vibes, and I know joining this course can be one of those steps to knowing The Secret.
Nonetheless, there's not really any factors that are going to affect my participation or experience in this class, however with my work schedule I might be late on blog post sometimes, but I will not fall behind on any assignments. Overall, Im excited to see what the class year is gong to be like and what the class can come up with!:)

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Just from these couple days in class I already know that I will definitely burgeon in this course and leave no room for contumacious behavior. Starting off the first day knowing that we already have to memorize a poem by Thursday, it mad me realizer that this is going to be an ascetic years of pushing myself all the way to the end. It also assured me that Dr. Preston wasn't one of those curmudgeon teachers who thought of your education as a little bauble. Instead he came off as an encouraging,and helpful teacher who would provide us with helpful information that will complement toward our future. The apotheosis of this week would have to be being introduced to the idea about the blog, which definitely beguiled the class's attention. The blog seems like a didactic method of adumbrating everyones thoughts and comments, and help everyone connect in a way thats so easy.