- After watching the play, it left the audience with high approbation.
2. Assuage: make easier, or milder, relieve
- Talking to the teacher after class assuaged her fears of failing the course.
3.Coalition: alliance, federation of political parties
- Only people included in the coalition of the political parties were allowed to join the disscussion.
4. Decadence: moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence.
- The decadence of Goodman Browns faith was set off by his vision of seeing his wife and other godly people join the devil ceremony.
5. Elicit: evoke, to draw forth
- The detective tried many methods to get the suspect to elicit his crimes.
6. Expostulate: protest, complain
- The siblings always found something to expostulate about, and would argue for hours.
7. Hackneyed: used so often that it lacks originality
- After seeing everybody start buying the same shoes, their style became very hackneyed.
8. Hiatus: pause, gap, opening, break
- The hiatus in the play gave the actor time to refresh and get back into character.
9. Innuendo: a hint, indirect suggestion
- The students didn't like the innuendo that their test was going to be very difficult.
10. Intercede: to plead on behalf of someone else, intervene
- The teacher interceded the argument when he noticed it was getting out of hand between the students.
11. Jaded: cloyed, worn out, dulled
- Once the game was over all the players seemed jaded, until they realized they had another game coming up.
12. Lurid: causing shock, hoor, sensational
- Scene after scene, the audience was one the edge of their seats as they watch the lurid movie.
13. Meritorious: worthy, deserving praise
- Superman was a very meritorious, brave, and kind hearted man who won the hearts of many children.
14. Petulant: easily irritated, peevish
- Coming home from work, my dad was very petulant to anything loud and bright.
15. Prerogative: special right, priviledge
- The celebrity has the prerogative to fly in first class, with many other luxuries.
16. Provincial: pertaining to an outlying are, local
- The provincial map showed all the local shopping centers,and restaruants.
17. Simulate: imitate
- The twins simulated each others movements to confuse their parents.
18. Transcend: to praise above and beyond, exceed
- The student transcended in the project by presenting her poem in a song.
19. Umbrage: shade cast by trees, irritation, annoyance
- The umbrage the dog caused by barking all night kept the whole neighborhood awake.
- The waiter was very unctuous in trying to befriend their customers.