Charles Bukowski
- Born: August 6, 1920- March 9, 1994
- born as Heinrich Karl Bukowski
- born in Andernach Germany
- moved to America in 1923
- Pasadena CA
- His father was usually unemployed, frequently abusive, both physically and mentally, beating his son fro the smallest reasons.
- Charles Bukowski was very shy and socially awkward, he had a very serious case of acne, and made fun of for his german accent, and the clothes his parents made him wear.
- it seemed like he suffered from Dyslexia, but was highly praised for his art work in school
- "This [alcohol] is going to help me for a very long time", he later wrote, describing the genesis of his chronic alcoholism; or, as he saw it, the genesis of a method he could utilize to come to more amicable terms with his own life‘
- Graduated from Los Angeles High School, then attended Los Angeles City College for two years taking art, journalism, and literature courses. Later he moved to New York to begin his career as a writer.
- on July 22, 1944he was arrested on suspension of draft evasion
- worte many short stories, but became disillusioned with the publication process nad quit writing for almost 10 years, he was reffered to as a “ ten-year drunk”.
- was a very strong drunk