Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Vocab #3

  1. Encomium- A formal expression of high praise; eulogy.
  • The principles encomium of the class of 2014 was very touching, and inspirational.
  1. Coherent- Logically connected; consistent.
  • Einsteins theory of relativity was very interesting and coherent to the college class.
  1. Belabor- To argue, or elaborate
  • The debaters jobs were to belabor on different topics, and see who came up with better evidence.
  1. Eschew- To abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid.
  • Everybody eschewed from having to use the old worn out text books.
  1. Acquisitive- Tending or seeking to acquire and own, often greedily.

  1. Emulate- To try to equal or excel.
  2. Arrogate-To attribute or assign to another.
  3. Banal- Devoid of freshness or originality.
  4. Excoriation- To strip the skin of a human or an animal.
  5. Congeal- To curdle; coagulate, as a fluid.
  6. Carping- Characterized by fussy petulant faultfinding.
  7. Substantiate- To establish by proof or oe competent evidence.
  8. Temporize- To treat or parley so as to gain time.
  9. Largesse- Generous bestowal of gifts.
  10. Tenable- Capable of being held, maintained, or defended.
  11. insatiable-Incapable of being satisfied or pleased.
  12. Reconnaissance- The act of reconnoitering.
  13. Germane- Obsolete. Closely related.
  14. Ramify- To divide or spread out into branches.
  15. Intransigent- Refusing to agree or compromise

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